Have your say – what information would you like ?

After a parental discussion at the SENDIASS Torbay coffee morning, it was determined that parents would be interested in having SEN professionals at some of the coffee mornings for general discussion about their roles and processes and some possible short presentations on specific topics of interest.
Here is the initial list of ideas, feel free to let me know more ideas of things you would be interested in for the coffee morning or parent training ideas, by emailing me at angelalord@torbaycdt.org.uk

CAMHS representative /forum ……..booked 8 September

Head of SEN
Educational Psychologist
Sleep support person
Communication and Interaction
Autism Champion
Occupational Therapist – Sensory Integration
SEN Caseworker
Social Worker
PPF Representative
Childrens Worker
Play Torbay Rep – booked 7 July

Further Additions as requested
Portage worker
Advisory Teacher
CAMHS Therapist – talk on Anxiety

I will be contacting various people to request a visit and post dates as and when we have them.

Angela Lord

Sendiass Torbay Caseworker